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The first Max-Kade-Haus in the area of the Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder) is inaugurated. The former Georgenhospital has become a meeting place for international students and visiting scholars.


The team from the Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder) reached the final at the soccer tournament of the German Studentenwerk in Erlangen and became runner-up.


A team from the student union also takes part in the 1st company run in Frankfurt (Oder). In a total time of 1:20:50, this ranks 52nd.


Brandenburg Finance Minister Christian Görke hands over the key for the former cafeteria Logenstrasse to the European University Viadrina. This means that this building is no longer used by the Studentenwerk.


The Studentenwerk says goodbye to its long-time director of the day care center “Anne Frank” in Cottbus. Sylvia Monsport had run this facility for more than 36 years.


As part of the tandem campaign by the East German Student Union, the Frankfurt (Oder) student union is presenting the state of Brandenburg and its cuisine in the Reichenbacher Straße cafeteria in Chemnitz.


As part of the tandem campaign of the East German student union, the student union Chemnitz-Zwickau presents itself with regional cuisine in the cafeteria on the central campus in Cottbus.


On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the cafeteria on the Cottbus-Sachsendorf campus, the Studentenwerk surprises its loyal guests with a birthday cake as well as coffee and cake. Between 2004 and 2014 around three quarters of a million meals were cooked and consumed here.


With the Schwappachweg residential complex in Eberswalde, the Studentenwerk opens the first new building in its history. At the same time, the apartments in Beeskower Straße 7, which have been converted into single apartments, will be handed over for use.


The new canteen on the Waldcampus in Eberswalde opens its doors. This brings the almost 20-year-old temporary solution in containers to an end. The wood technology student Markus Nienhaus is welcomed as the first guest.


The 19th nationwide cabaret meeting of Studiosi takes place in Cottbus. 31 groups or soloists can be experienced on four stages over four days.