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The Administrative Board advises and decides on matters of fundamental importance to the Studierendenwerk. The composition of the board of directors is determined by the Brandenburg → University Act regulated.

Members of the board of directors

Chairwoman: Prof. Dr. Magdalena Mißler-Behr (BTU) Deputy Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Sven Husmann (EUV) Markus Koenecke (HNE) Dr. Falk Müller (BTU) Karsten Robel (BTU) Florian Fassbinder (student HNE)Laura Noethe (student EUV) Tim-Julian Bengs (student EUV) Alexander Teller (student BTU)Isabelle Zenker (student BTU) Armin Vollstedt (student BTU) Henrik Hundertmark (WHG Eberswalde) Dr. Jan-Hauke Plaßmann (MWFK BB)

Anne Beck (SWFFO) Robert Nissen (EUV)

Rules of procedure of the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk

Next dates:

19.11.2024 | Frankfurt (Oder) | hybrid | Ordinary meeting of the Administrative Board open to the public