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The Studierendenwerk Ost:Brandenburg is responsible for the
Promotion of training in the countries of Oceania (excluding Australia) and Africa.

can be submitted → online or in writing. You can obtain applications from our → service points in Frankfurt (Oder) and Cottbus or via → download.
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If the requirements are met, the following can be funded:
In principle, it can be assumed that part of the training can be offset against the prescribed or usual training time. This applies to equivalent attendance at a foreign educational institution from year 11 of a domestic grammar school if the higher education entrance qualification can be obtained after 13 years or from year 10 if the entrance qualification can be obtained after 12 years.
The monthly subsistence allowance for high school attendance is € 632. School fees will not be funded. A lump sum of € 500 is granted for travel expenses for each outward and return journey.
can be submitted online. Application forms can also be obtained from the student residences in Frankfurt (Oder) and Cottbus or downloaded.
ChecklistSchool certificate_domestic schoolSchool certificate_foreign schoolPower of attorney
In addition to the basic requirements, the study abroad program must last at least 6 months or one semester.
The requirements for funding training abroad are
- the foreign training facility must be equivalent to the domestic one
- the visit to the foreign training facility must be beneficial depending on the level of training
- the visit must at least partially be credited towards the domestic training
In addition to the benefit rates for trainees who do not live with their parents, the benefits for training abroad also include the following:
- the reimbursement of necessary tuition fees up to € 5,600
- a lump sum for travel expenses of a total of 500 EUR for both journeys (in and out)
- a surcharge for international health insurance
A foreign supplement may also be granted for a few countries. The benefits will be awarded half as a grant and half as an interest-free loan. Training grants are paid for training abroad for a maximum of one year.
can be submitted online. Application forms can also be obtained from the student residences in Frankfurt (Oder) and Cottbus or downloaded.
ChecklistInformation sheet on studying abroadCertificate of enrollmentPower of attorney
Educational support is provided for participation in an internship outside Europe if the internship is prescribed by the study and examination regulations, is still to be completed and lasts at least 12 weeks.
The requirements for funding training abroad are
- According to the study and examination regulations, an internship of at least 12 weeks must be required – it does not have to be required abroad
- the visit to the foreign training facility must be beneficial depending on the level of training
- the internship must meet the requirements of the study and examination regulations
In addition to the benefit rates for trainees who do not live with their parents, the benefits for training abroad also include the following:
- a lump sum for travel expenses of a total of 500 EUR for both journeys (in and out)
- a surcharge for international health insurance
A foreign supplement may also be granted for a few countries. The benefits will be awarded half as are granted as a grant and half as an interest-free loan. Training grants are paid for training abroad for a maximum of one year.
can be submitted online. Application forms can also be obtained from the student residences in Frankfurt (Oder) and Cottbus or downloaded.
ChecklistInformation sheet for internships abroadInternship certificatePower of attorney
Please send your applications to: