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Upon application, every student in the area of responsibility of the Studierendenwerk Ost:Brandenburg who is in a financial emergency situation has the opportunity to receive a hardship loan from the Studierendenwerk.
Special circumstances that justify the application for a hardship loan can be, for example

  • the temporary discontinuation of BAföG payments for which the applicant is not responsible
  • an uncovered loss of learning and working materials
  • Non-plannable expenses due to illness
  • Other compelling reasons for neediness

The guidelines for granting hardship loans adopted by the Board of Directors serve as the basis for decision-making.

→ Directive for granting hardship loans

If necessary, you can also receive applications for hardship loans from our service points. Here we provide you with information about the specific procedure for submitting the application as well as the necessary requirements for the approval of this loan. The loan is interest-free. The maximum loan amount is € 500. The managing director of the Studierendenwerk decides on the granting of the loan. The repayment will be agreed on individually but a minimum installment of 50 EUR must be paid back each month. The completed application can be sent preferably by e-mail to by e-mail.