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Boredom? No room and no friends …? It doesn’t have to be. The cultural office of the Studentenwerk is your partner in matters of art, culture and leisure.
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Studying does not only consist of learning and research, but also of relaxing and trying things out. The cultural office offers its help for the implementation of creative ideas and projects so that good ideas do not have to fail due to a lack of resources such as space or money. The cultural office draws on a wealth of experience in student cultural work and tries to provide the initiators with advice and assistance.
The STAGE eight in Cottbus offers a roof for creative student projects. On the one hand, you can play theater or cabaret or sing in a choir, guided by the theater pedagogue Katharina Riedel, and on the other hand, the BÜHNE offers space for the implementation of your own projects.
In Cottbus and Frankfurt (Oder), rehearsal rooms are available for individual music-making so that you don’t have to torture your flatmates unnecessarily. There are pianos and drums in the rooms. All other instruments must be brought along.
A current certificate of enrollment must be sent and the “ISEO argo” app downloaded.
Student clubs are very suitable places for student communication and networking as well as for acquiring social skills. The Studentenwerk has rented properties in Eberswalde and Frankfurt (Oder) and made them available to student associations. In Cottbus, the quasimono was given to the student’s own rooms for use.
The Studentenwerk supports events and projects that are non-commercial, add value for the student community and would not be feasible without funding.